GREEN RIVER— The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reminding black bear hunters that the preference period to register previously existing bait sites is March 1st through March 20th. Black bear hunters who want to use bait for the upcoming bear seasons are advised that the registration period for new bear bait sites begins April 2nd. There are no black bear bait site registrations during the period of March 21 – March 31 each year.
A current black bear license is required to renew or register any black bear bait site. A person may register the same bear site(s) they registered in the previous calendar year by telephone, mail, FAX, or on the Department website, so long as the bait site was baited and GPS coordinates to the site were received by the Department prior to December 31, 2017. Sites for which coordinates were not received will not be eligible for renewal.
Beginning Monday, April 2nd, registration of unclaimed bait sites will be accepted in person at Game and Fish regional offices, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Black bear hunters can register bait sites for any black bear hunt areas at any regional office. Bait sites cannot be registered at the Cheyenne Headquarters Office.
Black bear hunters with questions about hunting seasons or regulations should review the 2018 bear hunting regulations or call the Game and Fish office nearest the black bear hunt area they intend to hunt. The Game and Fish Green River Region Office phone number is 307-875-3223. Printed black bear regulations will be available after March 1.