Photo courtesy of the Actors’ Mission Facebook page.
The Actors’ Mission will be hosting an Acting Master Class with actress Shanésia Davis on August 11th, 12th and 13th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at their theater at the Elks Lodge, 307 C Street in Rock Springs. A meet & greet will take place August 10th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the same location. The class is free and open to the public.
According to the AM the class being provided, “is a distilled class version from a professional working in the industry to anyone in the community who would like to act, but might have been too shy or unprepared/qualified to try.” No age restrictions or experience required.
Members of the Actors’ Mission have found over the years that a great deal of their patrons and people within the general area would love to try out for a play but don’t feel confident enough to show up at auditions. The Acting Master Class gives them the opportunity to receive some training and skills, while having fun and meeting with the Actors’ Mission Board and Executive Producers. This creates an environment where people feel more at ease and confident in coming down to be a part of the community theater.
Lunch and drinks will be provided for the class, and the AM is asking that participants RSVP on their Facebook event page so they can plan accordingly.
Teaching the class is American actress Shanésia Davis. Shanésia is best known for her role as Marissa Clark on Early Edition. She portrays Mrs. Calhoun, the mother of Anika Calhoun in the FOX television series, Empire.
For more information see the Actors’ Mission Facebook event page here.
For more information on Shanesia Davis see her IMBD page here.